Name: VIITOR Code Competition
Year: II Year CSE
Dates: 27,28 Dec,2021 from 1:30pm to 3:30pm
No.of Students Registered:372(150 teams)
No.of Students Participated in Level-1: 350(120 teams)
No.of Students shortlisted in Level-1: 40 teams(120 students)
No.of Teams Selected and winners in Level-2: 5 Teams(15
Faculty Coordinator:P.Rajeshwari , Coordinator for APJ Abdul
Kalam Hackers Academy
The aim of VIITOR Code Competition is to inculcate coding culture ,
improve coding skills and competitive spirit among the students.
The VIITOR Code Competition was organized for all II Year CSE Students
on 27th and 28th of Dec,2021 under APJ Abdul Kalam Hackers Academy.
Total 150 teams have registered. The team size is maximum 3.
are two levels.
Level-1 was organized on 27th Dec,2021 and
Level-2 was organized on 28th Dec,2021.
Level-1 consists 4
Problem statements and Level-2 consists 3 problem statements. In
level-1, total 120 teams participated. Top 40 teams were shortlisted
for level-2 based on accurate code and less execution time.
Level-2 was organized for the shortlisted students.
The top-5 teams were selected as the winners.