Anurag University

Anurag University (formerly knovm as Anurag Group of Institutions) was established in 2002 uhich has evolved into one of the top Universities of Telangana State and is well reputed for its pursuit of excellence by providing technical education with high academic standards. The institution is ranked 146 in NIRF ranking for Engineering category and 61 rank for Pharmacy category. The University ranked in 101-150 rank band and 151- 200 in overall ranking. AU uses Outcome Based Education techniques and Blended Pedagogy to help students navigate the rapidly changing landscape of modern-day technological world. Visit AU website

Anurag University sprawling over more than 50 acres, with its aesthetic architecture, lush greenery and avant-garde infrastructure, AU provides an exciting academic environment, with more than 400 dedicated faculty members including 87 doctorates, training our students to become a truly global citizen. AU uses Outcome Based Education techniques and blended pedagogy to help our students navigate the rapidly changing landscape of modern-day technological world. As success of our students is the only measurable metric in the quality of education given here, AU boasts of a whopping 900+ placements in the academic year 2018-19 alone.

CSE Department

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) was established in the year 2002 and from the inception it is relentlessly working hard with commitment to provide best quality education. The Department has got accredited by NBA in 2009 and Reaccredited in 2018 (NBA tier-II). It has been recognized as the best department and attracted the creamy layer of the students. World class infrastructure, state of the art computer centers, modern pedagogy, latest curriculum, dedicated teams of faculty gives the students an everlasting leaming experience and fulfills the aspirations of building purposeful careers. The Department has been accredited by National Board of Accreditation (NBA in Tier-I) in 2022. Consistent track record of academic success, 98% placements in the best MNCs and captivating more than 30 prestigious awards make the department the most prefered.
To know more about department of CSE :Click here

Special Achievements